Many girls would have achieved a great feat in life if there was a different exposure to life, than the rude awakening they got. The traumatic effect of sexual abuse and inadequate parenting has taken a toll on many girls who are now women. “RESCUED” takes us through the journey of four women who transitioned from prostitution to freedom, as they navigate the harsh challenges life threw their way. Their stories will keep you on the edge of your seat, leaving you inspired.
This is a book for every girl child who has faced life’s challenges and has struggled to find her true identity. RESCUED also highlights life lessons from their stories that will make you ponder deeply and make critical decisions. As you read, you will understand the scope and dangers of prostitution.
RESCUED is not just a book, it is AN EXPERIENCE. An experience that parents and becoming parents would learn from, as we’ll get to see the glaring errors in parenting that factored into their decision to tow that path. RESCUED is for everyone with a heart to reach the Lost. You will be inspired to follow God’s plan for your life and step out to serve humanity.